✨️Did you ever think of using nature to help you paint!?✨️
This painting was a fun one. It is actually made with two types of paint: watercolor and acrylic.
It all started with one rainy day idea. 🤭 What if I used the rain to make an abstract background? (Never once thought about a beetle. That comes later😏)
When I thought of this idea, it was a sunny day with no chance of rain. I had to wait for what seemed like forever to try this idea out. However, knowing how watercolor reacts to water even when its dry, I went ahead and painted the greens, blues, and yellows you see here so it was ready.
🌧Finally some rain!
I grabbed the dry painting and ran outside in pouring rain and spun around like a weirdo. It was so much fun! And I loved the outcome!
Later my brother seen it and said I should paint a beetle just to be random. I was like challenge excepted! And he loves it!
I will definitely do more of these!